In English


Climate 2030 – Västra Götaland in transition is a mobilisation of efforts by the Västra Götaland region and the Västra Götaland County Administrative Board, in collaboration with many other stakeholders. This is a joint effort by companies and trade organisations, municipalities and municipal associations, higher education colleges and institutes, associations and other organisations in Västra Götaland that want to take a stand and contribute to the transition of Västra Götaland into a climate-smart region.

The transition to a climate-smart society is the biggest challenge of the modern age but at the same time, it is a challenge that includes many opportunities. As we change our society and living conditions, we must choose solutions that will benefit regional development and enable everyone who lives and works in Västra Götaland to enjoy a good life. For example, climate-smart interventions can create preconditions for improved health, business opportunities and new jobs, as well as increased integration and involvement. The countdown to 2030 has begun and by making a consolidated joint effort, we shall ensure we take the lead in the ”transition race”.

Västra Götaland has one of the most ambitious regional climate targets in Sweden. We have declared that by 2030 we will no longer be dependent on fossil energy. That means that in 2030, emissions of greenhouse gases will be reduced by 80 % compared with levels in 1990. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions caused by the consumption of the residents of western Sweden, no matter where in the world they occur, will decrease by 30 % compared with 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions are going down but not sufficiently rapidly for us to reach our target. It is now high time to speed things up. Here in western Sweden, we have long experience of successful adjustment to structural changes. By leading the way, we can be both climate-adjustment winners and inspire others.


Four prioritised focus areas

Readjustment is needed in all aspects of society. At the same time, it is important to focus on the areas where effective interventions can have the greatest impact. Therefore, we have prioritised twelve measures within four important focus areas. These are interventions where there is clear regional consensus and resourcefulness and which are expected to be of real benefit to climate.

Sustainable transport

  • Climate-smart everyday travel where more people choose to walk, cycle and use public transport
  • Faster transition to fossil-free vehicles
  • Efficient transport of goods
  • Climate-smart meetings and holidays


Climate-smart and healthy food

  • Reduced food waste
  • Promote sustainable agriculture
  • More vegetarian food on the plate


Renewable and resource-efficient products and services

  • Larger market for bio-based materials and fuels
  • Services and circular products
  • Design for a sustainable lifestyle


Healthy and climate-smart homes and buildings

  • Flexible and climate-smart homes and buildings
  • Effective and climate-smart renovation


Four ways of working that contribute to change in society

Four ways of working have been identified as the  toolbox for creating the needed change. When focus areas are combined with these ways of working the get the wholesome and multi level collaborations that are needed to achieve our goal. 


  • We are the forerunners for a good life in a fossil free future
  • We are climate planning for the society structure of the future
  • We are investing in test arenas and innovations that contribute to development and employment
  • We are developing attractive communities where it is easy to do the right thing


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